The Challenge of Tracking Organic Greenhouse Practices

In the field
2 min read
Published on
July 24, 2024

With organic greenhouse practices, every soil amendment, natural herbicide, harvest and transplanting processes must be meticulously documented to ensure compliance with organic audit standards. This level of precision not only maintains certification but also builds trust with consumers who rely on the integrity of organic labeling. If not done well it can jeopardize an operations organic certification.

How Gripp Helps with Organic Greenhouse Practices

Gripp empowers greenhouse operations to:

  • Track Every Activity: From transplant schedules to soil amendments and harvests, Gripp enables the logging of every action and input with ease with the use of Gripp routines, accessible by everyone on the farm.
  • Ensure Compliance: By documenting details such as herbicide applications and harvest yields, greenhouses can maintain accurate records essential for organic certification audits. These records are nicely organized and accessible for any audit requirements
  • Monitor Crop Movements: Gripp allows you to track the movement of organic crops, ensuring they remain separate from conventional produce throughout transplanting, harvesting, processing, and transportation.

Empowering Greenhouses and Removing Certification Audit Risks

By facilitating efficient record-keeping and data management across an entire greenhouse operation, farmers gain peace of mind and can focus more on growing their business and less on paperwork when auditors come knocking. Gripp promotes transparency and accountability, helping farmers uphold the integrity of their organic practices.

At Gripp, we're dedicated to supporting greenhouses in their commitment to excellence. By leveraging technology to track and manage every aspect of their organic practices, we empower farmers to meet certification standards and deliver the highest quality organic produce.  

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